Lean Blog Interviews

Jamie Flinchbaugh on ”People Solve Problems” - His New Book



Show page: https://www.leanblog.org/432  My guest for Episode #432 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Jamie Flinchbaugh, an old friend of mine and a frequent guest (Episodes 5, 6, 10, 64, and 261, plus the two times he's interviewed me, Episodes 50 and 316). He's also the co-creator and frequent co-host with me on the Lean Whiskey podcast series. Today, the talk is all Lean, no whiskey. We talk about leadership, problem solving, more today — talking about his new book, People Solve Problems: The Power of Every Person, Every Day, Every Problem. I put Jamie on the spot to coach me through some problem solving I'm doing related to podcast growth, and he makes a lot of great points. Today, we discuss topics and questions including: So, we don't need to worry about AI problem solving? The role of software, like KaiNexus The story behind the book – after The Hitchhiker's Guide to Lean in '06 Why this book? Why now? Behaviors drive action — what are some of the key behaviors that drive problem solving?