Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Andrew Bartram - The fens, skateboards and workshops



My name is Andrew Walmsley and your listening to episode 160 of photography insights.  This is the show that interviews people from the photography world. Today I talk with a fellow countryman and even has the same name, so 2 Andrew's for the price of one - bargain!  Some of you film fans will know Andrew Bartram from his podcasting - on both the "lensless podcast" or the "large format photography podcast". He is one of those genuine souls you find the in community who doesn't mind helping anyone.  After working in the same industry for 40 years Andrew felt like a change and now he's spending some time teaching others through the "Fenland Darkroom".  Personally I think its a fab thing to do and he's hitting a group of people that often miss out - so listen out why. He has experience with various types of film, cameras up to large format, different processes like tin types and decades in the darkroom. Andrew is frequently found on social media helping out and blogging too. So in this one