Rad Radio

Rob's Soapbox - A Dancing Bear, Monkeypox and a Child Felon



I’ve got something a little different for you this week; while prepping the upcoming week’s shows, a few stories caught my eye that I felt deserved a deeper “Rob-only” dive than the RAD show allows. So, without further ado:I’m all for defending cultures different than ours. Anytime some American gets on their high horse about how wrong other countries are for things like bullfighting, eating horse, and spending a week every summer running away from Bulls in Pamplona, I point out that those are cultural norms of historic proportion which have been around in the various countries that engage in them longer than the United States has been a country. Not to mention, we hardly have all of our problems and issues locked down here in America, and maybe we should focus on fixing ourselves first.Don’t get me wrong, speaking out about the fact that every year 25 million dogs are killed for food consumption is valiant, but it’s also a matter of perspective. While we view those 11 countries that account for 99% of those