Voice Of The Victim Podcast

64 :: Alex (Alexandru) Radita :: Fear of Doctors and a Diabetic Child



Emil and Rodica Radita had 8 children, but one of them was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 3 years old. Alexadru Radita had a rough childhood, dealing with his progressive disease and trying live, despite his parents fear of doctors.  If you enjoy our show, be sure to subscribe to us. We'd really appreciate a rating and a review.  Email us at vovpodcast@gmail.com Support us and get BONUS CONTENT at www.patreon.com/vovpodcast Get VoV Merch vovpodcast.threadless.com Follow us on Instagram www.instagram.com/vovpodcast Join our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vovsupportsystem