Terra Informa

March 2021 News Roundup



Spring has sprung, and it's time for another news roundup episode!This week, the Terra Informa team covers some of the environmental news you may have missed from the month of March. We start with the introduction of a new bill that aims to address the legacy of environmental racism in Nova Scotia, as well as a story on conflict between First Nations and Ducks Unlimited over water control structures in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Then, we introduce a new recurring segment that will be featured in our monthly news roundup episodes where we provide updates on land and water defenders from across Turtle Island. Lastly, we bring you a dose of good news in the coverage of a baby boom for North Atlantic Right Whales.Links and Resources:Braided Warriors on Instagram (@braidedwarriors)Raven Trust Site C Dam CampaignNiitsítapi Water ProtectorsThe ENRICH ProjectBlack Environmental InitiativeProgram Log.★ Support this podcast ★