Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story 214: How The Boy Who Loved Batman Came To Own Him



How do you go from average college student to owning film rights to one of the most iconic multi-media fictional characters? How do you strive for success when year after year, after year, your passion project is rejected? How do you go from writing a book about a beloved chapter in your life, to seeing that life and book portrayed on a Broadway stage? Alex and Chris explore those question when they interview executive producer Michael Uslan, the man who owns the film right to BATMAN. Also the author of the semi-autobiography book, The Boy Who Loved Batman (soon to open on Broadway). Have questions or comments for us? Post in the comments section below or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story #amwriting, #writerslife, #authortips, #writingtips #michaeluslan #batman #theboywholovedbatman #creatives #writers_den #howtowrite #writercommunity #batmanfilms