Michael Burgess Show

#MichaelBurgessShow 5: Instgram Zooming Photographer In Russia



Download #MichaelBurgessShow 5: Instgram Zooming Photographer In Russia With @Di438 News Users Go Bonkers As Instagram Adds Ads We all knew it was coming, at some point these free social networks must actually make a profit and sadly the best way for them to do that is through advertising. Instagram has built up a strong following over the last several years with its fun filters and easy sharing. Now all of that hangs in jeopardy as users flip out over the introduction of “sponsored posts,” aka advertising. How it was Done – Zooming the Exposure This is a technique I […] The post #MichaelBurgessShow 5: Instgram Zooming Photographer In Russia appeared first on Michael John Burgess.