Bookworm Banquet

BB5: Review of Sheep Tales by Ken Davis



Today JD and Nicole review a children's book by comedian and speaker Ken Davis. The book is called Sheep Tales: The Bible According to the Animals Who Were There. This is a fun book to read together as a family. Nicole also share a fascinating Bookworm Fact that fits really well with the theme of family that seemed to fill today's show. JD's Bookworm Tip also fit nicely in that category. They also share some listener feedback and JD invites listeners to play the smartphone game, Wordfeud, with him. Download Episode 5 Review Segment Sheep Tales by Ken Davis JD's Rating: 5 out of 5 Nicole's Rating: 5 out of 5 Nicole's Bookworm Fact is about Jonathan Edwards. Jonathan Edwards on Wikipedia | Jonathan Edwards' writings on Amazon JD's Bookworm Tip is the BookIt! National Reading Incentive Program Join JD on the Scrabble-like word tile game, Wordfeud, on your iPhone or Android phone. His username is: jonnydollar Get in touch with us! Email: Feedback Line (text or voice): 623-688-2770 Don