Crew Round Table

Crew Roundtable Bites - Ep7 - Right to Die



Gino and JR discussed death education in episode 4 of Crew Round Table Bites.  In this episode we further explore this topic, discussing living wills and debate Canada's medically assisted death legislation.  There is strong support for this legislation, as well as equally strong opposition.  We breakdown the law, explain it's application provisions, and discuss it as best we can.We reference the case of Terri Schiavo, and the nearly five year legal battle between her husband,  her parents, and the state of Florida. The Schiavo case eventually wound up before the Unites States of America Supreme Court.   This case serves as a warning to everyone the benefits of having your life support decisions made ahead of time.  Speak for yourself while you are able.Do you believe there is a right to die?  Make yourself heard!Subscribers get the latest and greatest episodes automatically! Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, and wherever fine podcasts are distributed. We are also