Wood Between Worlds

Newfoundland Disaster - Part Two - Ceeeeeciiiiilllll!!!!!



If you haven't listened to Part One in the Newfoundland Disaster series yet...stop here and go listen. If you have already listened.... welcome. To the more upsetting half of this series. The men are stuck on the ice for what feels like forever are having a hard time making it through the night. There is a massive storm, absolute darkness, freezing cold conditions mixed with wet clothing...a true nightmare. Listen to the story unfold and hear Fabia do her shocked gasp over and over as it gets a lot worst before it gets better. More sources and info is on the website at www.woodbetweenworldspodcast.com/newfoundland-disaster but the main source of information comes from Death On The Ice: The Great Newfoundland Sealing Disaster Of 1914 By Cassie Brown. It is an incredible book and you can get it pretty cheap on Amazon. Find us on Facebook & Instagram @woodbetweenworldspodcast | Twitter:@woodworlds | Email us with suggestions at twogirlsonemic@woodbetweenworldspodcast.com | Visit our website www.woodbetw