Strategy With Jason

Strategy with Jason Podcast - Melanie Borden



Joining me on today's show is Melanie Borden Managing Member, Marketing Consultant, Brand Strategist, Speaker & Author Melanie has worked in various atmospheres from public tech companies to private start-ups, retail automotive, and now have established her own marketing consultancy, Melanie Borden, LLC. She recognized the opportunities available to use online marketing strategies to build corporate and personal brands. Melanie has successfully built her own brand, and helped others to do so as well. She has been published or interviewed by Good Morning America, Daily Mail, The Epoch Times, Working Mother Media, Auto Remarketing, Hip New Jersey, New York City Biz List, Mega Dealer News, CBT News and more. Her expertise includes the full gamut of marketing oversight and implementation, such as budgeting, strategic use of vendors, enhancing digital footprints via social media, reputation management, online monetization, and building and managing advertising processes. Melanie Borden