Nb Publishers

Tafelberg Book Chat: Midlife Money Makeover by Kim Potgieter with Maya Fisher-French



In this episode of Tafelberg Book Chats the author of Midlife Money Makeover, Kim Potgieter, chats to Maya Fisher-French with a few guest appearances. Kim Potgieter is a leading authority on holistic financial planning. She has helped hundreds of clients put money in its right place – making sure it enables them to live the life they really want, one filled with inspiration and meaning. She is going to guide you through a radical relook at your life, and your money to become the best modern elder you can be. Please note this episode was recorded during an Exclusive Books webinar launch in May 2021. Get your copy of Midlife Money Makeover here: https://www.exclusivebooks.co.za/product/9780624092094 Music: “Digital Age” by Scott Holmes Music (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott_Holmes/media-music-mix/digital-age)