Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Asking Ourselves Why With Dr. Taite Anderson



Dr. Taite Anderson is here to talk about the art of what we do. We dare you not to be inspired to look at dentistry and oral surgery a little bit differently after this conversation. We can’t wait for Dr. Anderson’s new book — The Art of Oral Surgery — which is where this idea of dentist-as-artist really comes to life. Dr. Anderson discusses case studies and analogies he plans on using in the book and dives deep into the creative process involved in writing, organizing, and publishing a dental textbook.  For Dr. Anderson, one of the most well-balanced dentists we know, writing is an opportunity to bring his creative side into dentistry. It encourages him to practice what he preaches, he says, by forcing him to look at things differently and ask himself why: Why am I using this particular instrument? Why am I doing surgery in this order? Changing your perspective keeps the mind sharp and looking for new ways to learn, and there’s never a shortage of learning opportunities in a dental office.  Dr. Anderson admi