Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 151, Interview with Jill Angie, Certified Running and Life Coach



  The Not Your Average Runner Podcast host, running and life coach, Jill Angie is my latest guest on the SODSL podcast. She teaches plus-size, mid-life women practical ways to start running in the body they have right now. Jill combines her real-life experience and coaching wisdom to help women find joy in learning to run in a way that honors their unique size, shape, speed ,or age. You’ll be surprised at how much you can enjoy running when you know how to do it! I freaking LOVE this podcast episode. We geek out on running and mindset and how the same principles apply to stopping over-drinking. Jill answered some really awesome questions like 'How to get yourself motivated when you want to run, but 'don't feel like it.?'Also, how she can tell if someone is going to have a hard time with their running journey. I also share some of my own running obstacles. You don't want to miss! Thanks so much Jill!   *mentioned in this episode: The Runners Guide to the Meaning of Life https:/