The Simple Ayurveda Podcast

168 | Navigating Relationships and Healing Through a Trauma-Informed Lens with Cassandra Solano



Join Angela and guest Cassandra Solano in this episode: Navigating Relationships and Healing Through a Trauma-Informed Lens. In this episode, Angela and Cassandra have an incredible conversation that is full of so much wisdom and insight! They talk about individual healing, healing through community, self-compassion when experiencing triggers, and so much more. Cassandra's trauma-informed approach is informative and gentle, allowing for empowerment and self-understanding. Tune in and let us know your takeaways! In this episode, learn more about: • What trauma is and how it's different for everyone • The importance of individual healing and community healing within safe-spaces • Community as an essential pillar to help with building resilience for when subsequent things can and will happen • How close relationships can trigger us or bring up things that are dormant in us for healing • Offering ourselves great self-compassion when our body is physically triggered into action • Specific tools to address and so