
2021-11-23 I Inquiry I Food is Life I Flint Sparks



Daily Meal Verse As we begin our meal, may we and all existence be relieved from self-clinging. This food comes from the efforts of many workers, past and present, and its ten advantages give us health and well-being and promote strong practice. We offer this meal of three qualities and six tastes to everyone, everywhere, and to all the life of the universe. Seventy-two labors brought us this food; we should know how it comes to us. As we receive this offering, we should consider whether we understand its nature. As we desire the natural order of mind to be free from clinging, we must be aware of our greed. We take this food to support our life; we take this food to attain the Way. First, this food is for true practice; second, it is for our teachers and parents; third, it is for all nations and all beings. Thus we eat this food with everyone; We eat to stop all harming, to practice serving, and to accomplish the Awakened Way. May we exist like a lotus, at home in the muddy water; Thus we bow to life as