Risen Church Nc

The Church: Not Ashamed - Acts 22-24



Having been arrested in Jerusalem and now set to appear before the Roman governor of Judea, the Apostle Paul isn't worried at all. He knows that the accusations made against him by the Jewish leaders are baseless and he has done nothing to disgrace Rome. Neither of these charges would pose any threat to him. When he finally stands trial before Governor Felix, the Jewish leaders bring these two accusations against him, and he quickly discredits them. However, a third charge is mentioned, to which he doesn't deny one bit. In fact, he embraces it. Upon being accused as the ringleader of the Jesus Movement, the one who was spearheading all the mission trips around the Roman Empire, planting churches in every province, Paul gladly accepts the blame. Even though there was nothing illegal about his faith, the unknown motives made everyone uneasy. Paul wasn't concerned what his Christian faith might cost him, and used this trial as an opportunity to boldly preach Jesus. In this message, we talk about Paul's unas