Stereo Voodoo - .

Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #8 (13.05.13) (8)



1. rayon beach (usa) - "airplane with tits" CD "this looks serious" (hozac) 2. natasa mirkovic & nenad vasilic (serbia/austria) - "lijepe zene prolaze kroz grad" CD "soulmotion" (bayla) 3. k-branding (belgium) - "driller" CD "alliance" (humpty dumpty) 4. lojo (france) - "magnetik" CD "cinema el mundo" (harmonia mundi) 5. the humms (usa) - "little freaky girl like you" CD "lemonland" (bachelor) 6. alvarius b & cerberus shoal (usa) - "blood baby" CD "the vim and vigour of..." (north east indie) 7. mojo juju & the snake oil merchants (australia) - "lullaby" CD "mojo juju & the snake oil merchants" (hoodoo emporium) 8. mojo juju & the snake oil merchants (australia) - "my home" CD "sellin you salvation" (hoodoo emporium) 9. dan sartain (usa) - "p.c.b. 98" CD "dan sartain vs the serpientes" (swami/one little indian) 10. richter & syn (czech rep.) - "jan haselovic" CD "draty & hrnce" (richtig) 11. richter & syn (czech rep.) - "jan haselovic" CD "draty & hrnce" (richtig) 12. jonjo feather (uk) - "papier mache stars"