Stephen J. Kosmyna

There Are No Justified Resentments



In this episode I continue discussing a little book by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer titled, 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace. In this episode I take a look at chapter seven which is all about taking personal responsibility and getting out of the habit of blame. So often we point the finger of blame at other people, at conditions, at events, at circumstances and situations; being the reason why we are not experiencing a more abundant life. It's time for more inner work asking yourself who or what do you resent. When we point the finger of blame we give away our power. When we take responsibility for whatever shows up in our lives we own it. When we own it we can remove it or grow from it with the wisdom gained. Before you say this doesn't apply to me, please know that often resentments are buried deep in our subconscious mind. We may not even be consciously aware of harboring any resentments, but if they are there, even buried deep, they are influencing our choices and decisions thus robbing us of our power to c