Dina Marais's Soulpurpose Prosperous Business

Episode 53 Your Current Results (False Self) is in Charge when Money Deadlines Cause Fear



You want new clients, and you want sales, because you want more money and impact. Whether it’s 1-on-1 clients or a group program, the modus operandi is the same. There is a deadline when this opportunity of getting more clients and money comes to an end. Your goal is to make the money before the deadline. Now when you set out there is plenty of time, but as the deadline creeps ever closer, and the sales haven’t come in yet, you start to doubt if it will happen. The next stage is fear of the consequences of it not happening and then full-blown panic and anxiety. It happened again! Another month or launch without enough or any sales. So, no money, no clients. You have to ask your partner for money. Do you resonate? It’s only through expanding your consciousness that you can transcend your current results controlling your thoughts. Expanding your consciousness involves using the higher faculties of your: · Perception to change your default thinking · Imagination to see and feel your desires fulfilled · Free Will