
Episode 70: Updates from the 2018 Canadian Space Summit



This weeks podcast consists of three short interviews recorded at the Canadian Space Summit in Ottawa on November 28 and 29.Segment 1 (03:47) - In the first segment I spoke with Ryan Anderson, a co-founder of the Satellite Canada Innovation Network, known as SatCan. It was just over a year ago that I last spoke with Ryan in episode 22 about the new SatCan project. Since then, the organization tried unsuccessfully to be a part of the governments Supercluster program. However, the concept has is not dead and the founders diligently worked towards their goals and just prior to this weeks summit did announce that they had received some funding from the government. Ryan provides an update on what’s happening at SatCan.Segment 2 (18:42) - In the second segment I spoke with Professor Gordon Osinski from Western University’s Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration about a new national educational and public outreach initiative called Space Matters.Segment 3 (29:36) - In the last I ask SkyWatch co-founder and CE