Kapow Radio Show

Why is there so much evil? - Rom. 1 - Why These Verses are Awesome



Why has the world gone to hell so quickly with so much evil and depravity surrounding you? Because the dust, the dirt, the clay, and the created has decided that they are the creator.  Yes, the human has rejected all truth regarding the All Mighty Creator God, and has instead chosen to worship themselves, their science, their religion, and their creations. But the Universe and all thing created by God demand their acknowledgment of Him, yet they willfully refuse.  And because of this un-godliness God had put their minds in a prison of stupidity and disaster, sexual immorality seeming from their satanic worship, and a dull idiot-like life.  Then on the Day, they will be judged according to all their evil they have done.  That is why there is so much evil surrounding you.  Fifthook Media, LLCKAPOW Radio Show