Doing The Work With Jay And Becca

Episode 20: Coaching on Spirituality



Today's episode is focused on Spirituality. A huge part of the "work" that can be difficult to get your head around. What is the difference between spirituality and religion? Can I be spiritual and not be religious? How does religion actually fit into all of this? (Hint...religion is way different, we promise!) If thinking about religion freaks you out a bit, don't worry. That isn't what this is about. There is no preaching and the bible talk is kept to a minimum. If you are religious, don't worry. This isn't what this is about. We promise we aren't asking you to turn your back on your faith! We also talk a bit about Jay's recent seminar for men! Super exciting and meaningful stuff. As always, we invite you to join us in our private Facebook group--Doing the Work with Jay and Becca--to keep the conversation going. What does spirituality look like to you? How do you "turn it over"? We want to hear your thoughts. And be sure to leave us a review on iTunes--let us know how we are doing.  Thank you for listening.