Zomia One

Sovryn Tech Special 0040: "2099"



A special re-release of Episode 99b to be able to get shared more readily, with the 99a ending added in to the opening so it makes more sense in a single listen, as well as an hour-long making/explanation special about 2099. And don't skip the end credits.... Special Guest: The future. Stories of the Week: --Random Access: 75th Facebook Anniversary, the first 100 Yottabyte DNAdrive released, Venus successfully colonized, RynTech’s Libertine 7 authlet specs released with V-Cell built in, the Apple Bank has finally collapsed and been subsumed into the Ominus blockchain. --”Amazon Entente, BitNation, and the Ominus blockchain” Tech Roulette: --”Virus Transmission to the Jaguar III and the return of Industrialization” Game of Choice: --”MacGyver Unity” Important Email: --”Are you enjoying life on the PAZ floating city Osiris 1? Are MIM attacks still possible on the networks using OrgaNet 4 for infrastructure?” GuardSite of the Week: --”GovMimic Search” Hacksec: --”Commonwealth FieldWatch Disruptors” Softw