Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story #215: Creating Good Dialog, How To Talk The Talk.



Ever wonder why your character scenes fall flat, even though you've nailed down their NAME, AGE, and maybe a few basic RELATIONSHIPS?   It could be the quality of the Dialog. Knowing what your characters say and how they say it is crucial.  And not only to advance the plot. Authentic engaging dialog helps establish the depth of the character, the tone and mood of your story. So listen as co. hosts and writers Alex and Chris discuss how they, and other pros, create genuine dialog for their characters, no matter age or era. Have questions or comments for us?  Post in the comments section below or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story #amwriting, #writerslife, #authortips, #writingtips #michaeluslan #batman #theboywholovedbatman #creatives #writers_den #howtowrite #writercommunity #Hawkeye #Marvelcinematicuniverse #wandavision #TeelJamesGlenn #Batman #Blackjack #12AngryMen