Worldbuilder's Anvil

Season 4 Episode 2 Culture as a Spoon



Today's Topic – It’s the circle… the Circle of Culture   Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow Choose your cultural pill Red or Blue The Red Truth – What is a Culture? The Blue Truth – There is no Spoon… Culture only exist from the outside because it is believed to exist from within A Culture Exist through argument between its parts … To Be a real Member you must” … We must be better by” … We must remember” …We must forget” Culture is a Circle There is not beginning or Ending The idea culture is an illusion caused by the nature of it changing and consensus No Beginning or End (Hopefully) Rapid Changes are possible Names Can Change new tribes can form How to make it work Treat cultures like Characters Some or Static and Some are dynamic Realize you can never finish them WBT If you have an epic story how would your main culture change RW  Task Little Changes for big problems Michael's Resources Use