Introvert Biz Growth Podcast

Know Your People



This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) Today I'm reading a small section of Part 2 on KNOWING, Chapter 5 called 'Know Your People'     Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 2: KNOWING, Chapter 5: Know Your People   From “People Buy Stuff” to “People Buy People” As one of the early adopters of LinkedIn consulting, I had to learn that my skills and even ten-plus years of experience just weren’t enough anymore. Sure, when I first started offering LinkedIn coaching ten years ago, I was pretty much the only one with that specialty, a