
PlanningxChange 86 - Cemeteries for living and death



PlanningxChange Episode 86, features Deb Ganderton CEO of The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (GMCT) and James Reid, the Chief Future Built Environment Officer of GMCT. GMCT is a self-funding, not for profit organisation that runs 19 cemeteries and memorial parks and three crematoria across Melbourne, Australia. It is also responsible for two greenfield sites to be developed on Melbourne’s urban fringe.  GMCT manages 600 hectares; the various cemeteries are visited by almost two million people annually.  In this interview Deb and James talk of the evolution of cemeteries, management issues, the need to respond to diversifying community preferences and the requirements of long term planning. The interview covers a wide range of topics including discussion on the modern experience of the traditional cemetery format often with significant heritage values and considerations that drive new cemetery design. The interview touches on the sensitivities of design for grieving and the value of nature to assist thi