Pedia Pain Focus

#89. The Pain of Being a Redhead



Did you know that redheads can tolerate more spicy foods than those with dark hair? This is supported by biology and genetics.  Ask any anesthesiologist or a dentist and they'll tell you - often with a sigh, I might add - that taking care of redhead is can be challenging! The issue of pain perception, tolerance, response to pain and  response to different classes of medications is a complicated and murky one when it comes to people with natural red hair.   Join me in this episode to learn about the evidence we have for complexity of pain and its management in redheads, recent emerging evidence that explains why and more importantly how to effectively navigate this complexity, ensuring safe and effective care of these patients.   Takeaways in This Episode When an anesthesiologist or a dentist see a redhead Why redheads have more dental problems and toothaches Why redheads sometimes need more pain medications and at other times need less Variability in pain responses amongst redheads The redhead gene and its i