Angel Invest Boston

Chrissy Glover - Robots in Rehab



Sal's Syndicate: Click to Join Virtual visits & robotics to improve greatly the recovery of stroke patients. Chrissy Glover & her startup, Imago Rehab, are taking to market technology from Harvard's Biodesign Lab informed by deep experience in how stroke rehabilitation is done now. Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Chrissy Glover, Co-Founder of Imago Rehab “...they've had a stroke maybe a year ago, and their hand is just stuck in this fist position.” “It's well understood that what is required for successful recovery is high-intensity rehabilitation.” 300 Repetitions of Hand Movements per Day Is What’s Needed; Stroke Patients Now Get 30 Reps Twice a Week - If They Can Get to the Clinic The Brain Is a Lot More Plastic Than We Thought, Even the Brain of the Elderly “...we see people who are five years post-stroke and able to really drastically improve their hand function, which is really exciting.” With The Robotic Glove in Their Home, Some Patients Go Way Beyond 300 Reps per Day and Have Great Outcomes