Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

What Causes Thyroid Weight Gain? (And How to Fix it for Weight Loss)



Every wonder what causes thyroid weight gain? This video explains why low thyroid causes weight gain and how to fix it for long lasting weight loss. Everyone knows that low thyroid leads to weight gain. After all, it's just normal physiology. As thyroid function decreases one of the first symptoms you will experience is weight gain. And weight gain is something that pretty much every thyroid patient struggles with. Unfortunately, many thyroid patients try to lose weight by cutting their calories which typically causes FURTHER damage and harm to their thyroid. The key to preventing this issue from occurring is by looking at what actually causes weight gain in thyroid patients. As you understand this you will better be able to fix the underlying issue and lose weight. So let's talk about that: The first thing you should understand is that weight gain from low thyroid occurs because of its impact on your metabolism. As T3 levels fall your metabolism will drop in lockstep. As your metabolism drops you