
2021-12-14 I Inquiry I What is the Point of Living I Flint Sparks



Empty-handed I entered the world Barefoot I leave it. My coming, my going – Two simple happenings That got entangled. Kozan Ichikyo, a Zen monk who died in 1360 at the age of seventy-seven This human body truly is the entire cosmos Each breath of mine, is equally one of yours, my darling This tender abiding in “my” life Is the fierce glowing fire of inner earth Linking with all pre-phenomena Flashing to the distant horizon From “right here now” to “just this” Now the horizon itself Drops away— Bodhi! Svaha. (Myogen Steve Stucky) December 27, 2013 (died December 31, 2013) to what shall I liken this life? moonlight, reflected in dewdrops shaken from a crane's bill —Dogen I got trouble in my mind lord, I believe I'm fixin' to die I got trouble in my mind lord, I believe I'm fixin' to die Well I don't mind dyin', I just hate to leave my children cryin' -- Blind Lemon Jefferson