
2021-11-30 I Inquiry I Ben’s Dharma Inquiry I Flint Sparks



Ben's Inquiry Questions These were Ben’s teachings... So my questions are: 1. How do we cultivate attention and a focus, in a mind that is incessantly so noisy, destructive and well, frankly a bully? • Learn to open - again and again - to the space in which it is all arising rather than being enchanted with contents of awareness. • Your mind will always be noisy and a bully if that is the mind you practice, feed, or privilege. • Noise quiets at times if you stay with posture and breath in a wholesome way. • The “bullying” is an indication that there are Parts which need attention and maybe some with with a teacher or a therapist. • What does the part think it is doing to help? • What is it afraid would happen if it stopped doing its job? • We can see that it is trying to protect, however seemingly misguided, but what is it protecting? This is the deeper question... 2. How do we balance ‘not trying to get anywhere’ with evolving (& ‘working with our conditioning’)? • Work with your conditioning in therapy -