Media Roots

UNLOCKED: the Wheel of Winter's Darkness & Smallpox Bioterror Scares Pt 1 of 2



Robbie Martin continues the Amerithrax 20th anniversary series ( sort of ) with a deep-dive into the origins of the motherload of catastrophic imaginary terrorism, smallpox bioterrorism. It is common to hear people remark that the 2001 anthrax attacks have been 'memory-holed' in the public consciousness, if that's the case then the Bush-era smallpox program is a memory-hole within a memory-hole. Starting with the early history of Smallpox, variolation and the very first vaccines, Robbie tells the story of how a disease that was eventually eradicated globally became a powerful fearmongering tool that shaped the Clinton, Bush and Covid-19 eras. After George W Bush got elected and the PNAC dream came true, of not just one but two 'catalyzing' events ( anthrax & 9/11 ), the idea of innoculating the entire American public via smallpox vaccination became one of the primary Bush policy postures simultaneously with the drive towards the Iraq war. This is Part 1 of a 2 part episode. Part 2 will be released sometime i