Online Success Journey

#328: Dr. Nadia Brown



Dr. Nadia holds a doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership and is passionate about helping women become more authentic, confident leaders who take charge of their careers. She is a sales strategist, consultant, trainer, and founder of The Doyenne Agency. a sales agency that works with business owners, companies, and corporations to multiply revenue and awaken the consistent closer within your sales team using the Consistent Sales Method™. Nadia helps women learn to play the career game in business to advance their careers and professions. When it comes to sales, women come to her timid and shaky about going after the money – they leave her strategic, strong, emboldened, and most importantly, paid. Nadia brings over fifteen years of leadership experience, powerful conversations, achieving goals, and respect for people to develop a comprehensive sales process to increase closing rates and satisfied client retention. As a result, Nadia’s clients have seen tremendous results, such as raising their rates, dec