"tapp" Into The Truth

The Orwellian Treatment of George Orwell



Investigators at Buzzfeed.com reported that the Central Intelligence Agency has been secretly amassing evidence of sex crimes involving children committed by its agents for at least the past 14 years but has “resisted prosecution” for fear of revealing “state secrets.” In an ironic twist to beat all ironic twists, “1984,” George Orwell’s dystopian sci-fi tale that warns of the dangers of revising history and rewriting books for ideological ends is, itself, getting a feminist re-write. With approval from the Orwell estate. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer spoke candidly during a town hall meeting with business leaders in her state, reportedly telling them that the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate was “a problem for all of us.” The statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that formerly stood in the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, will be donated to an African American heritage organization, where it will be melted down and turned into another public art piece.  My Patriot Supply: https:/