@ Sea With Justin Mcroberts

Advent, Waiting, & the Long Arc of Justice



Near the heart of the Christmas / Advent Story is the expectation that God is going to offer a gift. The head-fake in this Bible story is that, when those waiting come upon and/or are given that gift, it’s just a baby. And I know folks have surrounded Jesus’ birth with all kinds of magic imagery, sparkles, and theme music since then. But for people who had been waiting for some kind of momentous, earth-shattering socio-cultural and political sign of change, that had to be at least somewhat confusing and disappointing. If this was the gift, it meant having to wait. again. In fact, according to the timeline in those same scriptures, the next time there is anything of significance to be made of the life of Jesus, it’s 30 years later. And then, after 3 years of work with a small community, Jesus is arrested and those following him have to wait. again. And then he is murdered by the State (at the behest of religious power) and those following him have to wait. again. Here’s the thing; I don’t think that process ev