

Do you have a tough time starting correction conversations?   According to what I hear – it’s most, if not all of you. Over years I’ve listened as leaders share their frustration about employee performance followed by their excuses….Otherwise known as FEARS, about holding those same employees accountable.   The frustrations I hear.  Do any sound familiar?   Why can’t they just do their jobs?!? Why do I even have a team? So many errors! I’m tired of cleaning up customer service issues! They’re spending most of their day on the internet! I try to MODEL appropriate work ethic for them – Why don’t they just follow my lead? I delegate tasks but they never get done. I just have to do things myself! Is it REALLY that difficult to show up for work on time? I tried to implement a new piece of equipment to make life easier but no one will use it!   And then the Excuses….that sound like reasons but aren’t…..for why they haven’t had the conversation to correct behavior.   I don’t have time They just get mad It never w