Hills Review

Hills Review For The Week Of December 13 2021



Welcome to Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. It's Monday, December 13, 2021. Coming up this week, we have two podcasts that explore important medical issues of our time. On Tuesday, Victoria Czoch asks the question: if pharmaceutical companies are already making billions of dollars annually, why are the prices for the drugs still increasing at an alarming rate? In her opinion piece, Victoria discusses the negative effects of the rising drug costs on the American public and why drug producing companies should lower their prices. On Thursday, Maya Teng interviews her Dad, a pediatric doctor, about the early days of Covid and what it was like on the front lines. We hear first hand information about what happened in the hospital systems during the pandemic, about how Covid has changed the way hospitals function, and about the effects this ordeal has had on front line healthcare workers. Have a great week everyone… and hang in there! Only ten more days until the break! Welcome to Hills