Harvest: Greg Laurie Audio

How to Have a Joyful Christmas | Sunday Message



Have you experienced the joy of Christmas? In today’s episode, Pastor Greg Laurie shares how the jubilance of the Advent season transcends even the toughest circumstances. Listen in for a new message from Luke 2. Notes The joy of Christmas is not in what’s opened Christmas day. Joy does not come from what is under the tree but from who died on the tree! The Lord needed Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem to fulfill Micah 5:2. History is His story. Jesus wasn’t a mere man or just one of the prophets. Jesus was God in human flesh! Christmas is not a rags-to-riches story, but rather a riches-to-rags story. When Jesus arrived, almost everyone missed it.  1. The highest message came initially to the lowest of people. 2. The message of the first Christmas was a message of joy!  Great joy which shall be to all people! At the cross, Christ defeated sin. At the resurrection, Jesus defeated death. 3. Fear robs us of the joy of Christmas. “Do not be afraid, the Messiah has come!” The message of Christmas is fe