Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Christmas 2021 with Eoghan Hennessy and Christopher Osborne



My name is Andrew Walmsley and your listening to episode 165 of photography insights.  This is the show that interviews people from the photography world. Over the last few years I have always wanted to do a christmas special which would have to be different.  After rummaging around my mind I finally came up with a plan and invited a couple of analogue shooting friends on to the show.  So this will break off for the normal interview style and will focus on the world of analogue and christmas obviously. I'm pleased to invite Eoghan Hennessey (prounounced Owen) and of course I messed that up several times.  Also from the world of silvergrain and film we have the esteemed Christopher Osborne.  Both guests are great film shooters, active in our UK film group but also fun to talk to, hence why they are here. If you are ready for the show, it's themed around the 3 ghosts, past; present and the future, meaning we all cover an element each. So we will be talking about what we miss, what we w