Everything Hertz

145: Our boat is sinking slightly slower



We discuss the results from the cancer biology reproducibility project, the inevitable comparisons with reproducibility in psychology, and authorship expectations for posting public datasets. Links * The paper (https://elifesciences.org/articles/71601) investigating the replicability of preclinical cancer biology * The paper (https://academic.oup.com/ej/article-abstract/131/635/1250/5824166) on the impact of alphabetical order on career outcomes in economics (whose authorship order are determinedby alphabetical order * That human sports science paper (https://pubpeer.com/publications/28EA24F1ABCFF6CD121B167A9A68BB) that inlcluded a cranionotomy Everything Hertz on social media - Dan on twitter (https://www.twitter.com/dsquintana) - James on twitter (https://www.twitter.com/jamesheathers) - Everything Hertz on twitter (https://www.twitter.com/hertzpodcast) - Everything Hertz on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/everythinghertzpodcast/) Support us on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/hertzpodcast) and get