Deep In Japan

Baye McNeil: Black in Japan, Part 1



In this episode, I talk with popular blogger, writer, Japan Times columnist, teacher, public speaker, social justice advocate, and all around swell guy, Baye McNeil. This is the first of what will likely be a two- or three-part series with Baye. If you enjoy it, make sure to leave a review on iTunes. It helps a lot. Deep in Japan is completely independent and commercial free, surviving sheerly on the largesse of my lovely and generous wife and what contributions I can collect at If you like the show and would like to help support us, click the following link and make and pledge today. Lord knows we need it.Patreon: toda subscribe an/or leave a review at iTunes, click here:iTunes:…d1121048809?mt=2In order of appearance, the background music of this podcast includes: 1. "Where are you from?” by Nobodyknows2. "ストーカーの唄 (三丁目貴方の家)" by Mao Abe3. "Shadowboxing” by Wu Tang Clan's GZA4. "I Sle