Introvert Biz Growth Podcast

Kayleigh O'Keefe on The Future of Truth



Today's conversation fits under the P of Partnership, the last P of the 7Ps of Humane Marketing. Sometimes Partnership applies to other humans, in today's case it's a partnership with you and the truth. For this conversation about The Future of Truth, I invited Kayleigh O'Keefe. Kayleigh O’Keefe is the USA Today Bestselling author of The Younger Self Letters and the founder of Soul Excellence Publishing, the publishing house for soulful, successful business leaders. She helps leaders share their stories of personal growth and transformation in multi-author, individual, and team books. The company has published two international bestsellers in 2021 - Leading Through the Pandemic: Unconventional Wisdom from Heartfelt Leaders and Significant Women: Leaders Reveal What Matters Most. Prior to founding the company, Kayleigh spent over a decade as an advisor to Fortune 500 executives with CEB (now Gartner) and as a commercial leader at Snapdocs, a real estate technology company. She also hosts The Kayleigh O’Ke