Culture Jacked Podcast

OTE28- Hawkeye Episode 5 the tides are changing



OTE28- Hawkeye Episode 5 the tides are changing We are on episode 5 of Hawkeye !! Well in this episode we discuss the show and how Yelana, Kate, Maya, and Clint are learning a lot more about each other and the past. They also have some interesting conversations throughout in which allows us to better understand each side of the situation that we are building up to. There is SPOILERS in this podcast so those that read comments and have not seen the show, please consider before listening. We also finally got the BIG MAN in the end which is KINGPIN and we understand a lot more about Maya Lopez in this episode and what about Jack ? is he not connected or guilty ? This episode did a great job further connecting everything and we start to see a change in tides. Listen to the episode to get the full breakdown and more. Please follow the podcast, share and drop a review @culturejacked also check out our other Social media pages as well with the link below.