Podcast Proconf

#45 RustConf 2019 - Чаво, куда и зачем RUST в 2k20



Ребята говорят о RUST. Мы пригласили самого топового RUST евангилиста которого мы знаем. Присоединяйтесь в наше погружение в RUST. Таймлайны: 06:35 Opening Keynote by Steve Klabnik & Florian Gilcher - https://youtu.be/-GHa83kWCgA 17:15 The Symbiotic Relationship of C++ and Rust by Isabella Muerte - https://youtu.be/nqvGoDvQTRs 29:05 Monotron - Building a Retro Computer in Embedded Rust by Jonathan Pallant - https://youtu.be/IArQf7TX1D4 41:57 Messing Around with fn main() and Getting Away with it by Yoshua Wuyts - https://youtu.be/kts3yTyoUYc 43:30 Syscalls for Rustaceans by Gargi Sharma - https://youtu.be/QP8XtsjRdUA 57:48 Towards an Open Ecosystem of Empowered UI Development by Adam Perry - https://youtu.be/1JhEeTW08HU 01:09:00 Tokio-Trace: Scoped, Structured, Async-Aware Diagnostics by Eliza Weisman https://youtu.be/engm2Wqfgjk 01:17:52 Closing Keynote by Lin Clark - https://youtu.be/VlIydW5Fojw Мы в соцсетях: 1. Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProconfShow 2. Telegram: https://t.me/proConf 3. Youtube: https: