Breaking Bread Podcast

Perfectionism (Part 1 of 2)



“Do your best and leave the rest” is a tricky balance for the perfectionist. Yet it sums up a measure of health for those who have high, exacting standards for themselves or others. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Ted Witzig Jr. teaches us about two types of perfectionism. Show notes We love perfectionists. Who wouldn’t want a perfectionist as their builder, accountant, or surgeon? Perfectionists hold high standards and are successful and acclaimed because they do. This is precisely why perfectionism is tricky…strengths can become weaknesses. Three types of perfectionism: Self-oriented perfectionism Definition: A person with very high, exacting standards for themselves. Unhealthy Measure: Specific performance Unhealthy Mindset: It needs to be perfect, or I’ve failed. There is no “good enough” in their thinking. Unhealthy Result: Harsh self-criticism & low self-compassion leading to discouragement & depression Remedy: They need to rethink success and reward the right thing. Was it adequate? Health