Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Seizing Life’s Comebacks - 3 Epic Stories! - #19



1.      The 3 AM Comeback With Stukent – Freshman year – First SemesterIn 30 Minutes of intense, focused work I had a vision and an idea I wanted to share with Stukent. NOBODY was going to stop me from sharing that vision.I did all of that from my phone!!I started taking TONS of notesI could see the opportunity SO clearly it was ridiculousThat next day I was able to help with making a PowerPoint and presenting this idea to their VP of Marketing, Trevor Erickson.Their YouTube channel has been picking up some steam and some of my other ideas they said they’d already tried, but I was glad that I went for it. 2.      The Race (Poem) – I heard this poem while I was on my mission trip, and it is still one that is very near and dear to my heart. It just goes to http://holyjoe.org/poetry/anon3.htm 3. Daniel and the Lion’s DenAt a young age Daniel was taken by King Nebuchanezzar and brought to serve a king. He was raised from this point to be one of the king’s wise men. All throughout that Daniel’s faith was needed, a