Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 247 - Working Busy Mum Sanj In The Spotlight + Top Tips For 2022



What a journey it's been for Sanj. Her email, nearly 3 years to the day in 2018, was titled with one word: "help". I still remember opening it. In a really dark place feeling like there was no way out, the one thing she desired more than anything was control. When everything around you may be falling apart, there's only a few things you can still control: your body being one of them.   The first and hardest step was the email to us. The rest is history. What's remarkable is her journey has come full circle. From asking us for help, to now helping us as part of the team help so many RNTers around the world change their lives through this journey. Sanj is a new woman now in every way: she's regained control, is focused on herself, and her confidence has led to making seriously life-changing decisions along the way.    We're so proud of Sanj, so today we brought her on to discuss how her journey has unravelled, how she’s built the ultimate lifestyle solution, and how despite being a single mother working crazy h