Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Kami Guildner 2021 Year-End “Insights into our World and 2022” – Interviewed by Sarah J. Bohnenkamp — Episode 231



Portraits, Travel Today, I release my year-end interview, with my BFF Sarah J. Bohnenkamp interviewing me on the insights into our world and the view of 2022. In this interview I share: In the midst of the chaos, the craziness and the seemingly unending uncertainty of 2021, I look back at the greatest and boldest move I've made this year. (no, it's not as active or aggressive as you might expect) I talk about the resistance of going into a slowing down and eventually picking up a slower pace... because it's what the business and I needed. (and how the performance continued despite the slow down - what a lesson!) I shares the biggest act of compassion I made and how love and understanding can mend relationships better than pride. I share the amazing results my clients achieved despite a global pandemic. (and how they made that happen). A lesson in grief and love that is very timely in today's world of sickness and loss. Listen as I bare my soul and have fun being vulnerable as I answer Sarah's rapid fire ques